Monday 9 December 2013

Target Audience

 When researching into target audience UK tribes was our main source of research as it provided detailed information which I know to be reliable as I have used it in the past and found that it is often updated. They do information on so many groups that it was easy enough to find what suited our video. Finding out our audiences tastes and interests is crucial in making sure that our music video will be well received and go on to make sales.

INDIE SCENESTERS... are always thriving to find new music of all different types. They search around online, records shops, nights clubs and look towards what their friends are listening too. They like to always be the trend setter and find something new before anyone else because their love of music always strives for them to look for the next best thing. The guitar in an more electronic formed has proved more popular showing their new extended taste in music as they are not only crazed by people like Bastille anymore or Bombay Bicycle Club. It clear a new genre is being explored often focusing on low key artists keep them rather hipster too! Most indie scenester will be constantly on the look out for building up their vinyl collection consistently looking for new tracks and documenting all on their music blogs. It has almost become the latest trend for girls to dress like boys following the skinny jeans and converse type look.

Favourite Social Networks...

Music Playlist...
Brands & Shops...

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