Tuesday 14 January 2014

Initial Call Sheet & Editing/ Filming Schedule

Completed by Ruby and Amie 

Our Initial Filming and Editing Schedule prepares us to get the rough due in for the end of January. Although the thought of getting it done is daunting as it so important we are more than prepared. We put together a schedule as Ruby and I have realised that weeks are turning into days and we are now counting down on lessons until the exams. A lot of the schedule at the moment remains blank this is because after our first trip as we begin to put together our rough cut we will notice issues that will arise so we have given ourselves enough time to iron this out before our final cut is due in so there is a lot of contingency time but it will cover ourselves incase anything goes wrong.

As Ruby and I begin to get closer to creating our music video we have started going over planning and listing together what props and items we are going to need to take with us as we go out filming.

  • Camera
  • Stereo
  • Filming Schedule
  • Maps
  • Lyrics Sheet
  • Costumes
  • Make Up
  • Memory Card
  • Spare Batteries
  • Lens Cleaner
  • Money 
  • Train Tickets
  • Journal
  • Flower
  • Artificial Lighting 
  • Microphone
  • Fairy Lights
As plans develop props and equipment will be continued to add to the prop list.

Props are vital for our music video as we cannot rely on the location alone to bring our music video to life. When we go out filming the necessities are of course a camera with a memory card and back up batteries and a lens cleaner. We will need a stereo so that we can play the song and get a feel for it, it will also be needed to help our artist sing along. Another way in which we ca help our artist is by providing a lyrics sheet so that there will be no slip ups as we cannot afford to make mistakes. As we have pre-planned our filming schedule, we will have to bring that with us so that we can be confident that we won't miss any scenes out. In order to get to our locations we will have to bring a map as we don't want to waste time getting lost in busy London. In order for our artist to look the part, Amie and I will have to become make up artists for the day; the look we are going for is quite subtle and natural. We will also have to bring the costumes for the outfit changes which will take place during the day. As we are going up London we will need money and train tickets to last us for the whole day. 

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