Monday, 10 February 2014

Risk Assessment

By Ruby and Amie 

A risk assessment was conducted before we started filming across our range of locations we are planning to film including various elements of our video and aspects which needed to be considered for the location. We must consider safety of travelling and timing. Our risk assessment was to ensure maximum safety and prevent any hazards. 

Alterations Made Along The Way

Looking at Possible Locations

By Ruby and Amie 

Before we went to London we research into photos on the internet although we wanted to visit to ensure it looks as good. It was important to go to London to visit the locations we were filming in so we could get a clearer idea of exact locations and how we wanted out video to look. It was really helpful to just go up to London take pictures and explore the area as we came up with more ideas along the way. This helped us with our coursework as we were able to make clear creative choices. This helped the planning stage of our video much easier as we had vivid ideas. 

These photos are from Google as I wanted to see the location before visiting.

Covent Garden:

These photos are from Google as I wanted to see the location before visiting.  

Brick Lane:

These photos are from Google as I wanted to see the location before visiting.

Trafalgar Square:

These photos are from Google as I wanted to see the location before visiting.

Mid Review Blog Feedback

Completed by Ruby and Amie

Ruby's Feedback for Amie 

"Will take on board. As a group it's really valuable to give each other effective feedback and being able to do it so openly. It really will improve our work as a group in the long run." -Amie

Amie's Feedback for Ruby 

"Looking at what went well and even better if will help improve my work and I will do my best" 

Group Feedback From Both of Us

Costumes and Make Up Research

The clothing in music videos tend to be different between male and female as the males seem to be dressed more relaxed and casual whereas women wear more extravagant outfits which would be seen at a club. The casual wear can be seen through the wear of casual tees, but sometimes they wear more smarter outfits, for example the suits worn by Justin Timberlake and Robin Thicke in the pictures above. The outfits worn by women are more classy than others, with Miley Cyrus wearing a netted top which reveals all, in contrast Katy Perry is wearing a longer elegant dress.

Clothing within indie music videos seems to have a darker colour palette than there is within the pop genre. The indie look that people go for is shown in these music videos. The middle picture in the bottom (Paramore) seems to go against the conventional clothing in alternative music videos as it bright and colourful. 

A white suits seems to be a favourite for the males along with the topless look which enables them to show off their bodies which attract all the women which surround them within the music video. Women are seen wearing outfits which also show their body off, in particular their bare midriff.

Ruby on... Costumes + Hair and Make-Up


We knew that we would need more than one outfit for our music video, we ended up using three. These were picked out a few days before filming so it gave us time to buy something if we needed to.

In Camden we used two outfits, as the location was outside and we knew that it would be hard to change outfits we tried to keep the changeover minimal. We also tried to keep the outfits thick and warm so that our model did not get cold or ill as the weather was cold and wet. For this reason, the bottom half which consisted of black boots and black decorated leggings stayed the same for the duration of the shots taken in Camden. What changed was the tops worn and her coat changed to a leather jacket or a proper coat.

For the performance we used an outfit of a pink floral skirt and a light blue denim looking top/shirt which was tucked into the skirt. Our model just wore socks instead of shoes because we did not want to get her feet in the shot so we knew it would be OK. 

A beanie hat was a necessity to feature in the music video as it just screams indie. In our case we used a black one with a bobble. 


Our model has long blonde hair which is similar to Ellie Goulding's look. Our model's hair is dip dyed, which means the top half of her hair is a shade of brown and her bottom half is blonde.

Throughout the entire music video her hair stayed in the same style, although at times when filming in Camden it got a bit windswept, within the performance we were able to make her hair have slightly more volume and let it sit differently.


The look we were going for was a strong bold look which would draw attention to the models eyes, but we still wanted it to be natural and soft looking. We aimed to get the balance of her eyes standing out but not overdoing them so that she looked like she was going to a party as that look would not be appropriate.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Rough Cut Feedback

Completed by Ruby and Amie 

We showed the class our rough cut music video and asked them to write down feedback. We received both positive and negative as well as suggestions.  

Our main issue was our performance which consisted of a closeup:
Differences in opinion about the close up performance; some said the closeups looks good, others say they look strange with the narrative, the performance shots should be varied, the closeup is too extreme, closeup gets repetitive.

What Went Well:
+ good lip-syncing
+ Camden Lock looks good and suits the song
+ reflection in the train window is effective
+ nice still shots
+ good walking shot
+ good use of mise-en-scene as it works with the song
+ lovely candle shot which works well
+ like the ending
+ good range of shots
+ some good ideas
+ good use of different locations
+ like the calmness of it
+ good British narrative for a British song
+ outfits work well 

Even Better If: - dodgy zooms and tilts
- don't like her stopping by the horse
- doesn't work with her staring at the camera
- didn't like the last shot
- don't understand the books relevance 
- some background sound still in 
- lighting for the narrative needs correcting
- some shots are too long
- not much narrative progression 
- have a better mise-en-scene
- don't like the tracking wood shot

Other Suggestions:
- include a piano
- more emotion in her face when she is singing
- use the light scene more
- performance should be more interesting
- show the man she is singing about


Rough Cut