Monday 10 February 2014

Looking at Possible Locations

By Ruby and Amie 

Before we went to London we research into photos on the internet although we wanted to visit to ensure it looks as good. It was important to go to London to visit the locations we were filming in so we could get a clearer idea of exact locations and how we wanted out video to look. It was really helpful to just go up to London take pictures and explore the area as we came up with more ideas along the way. This helped us with our coursework as we were able to make clear creative choices. This helped the planning stage of our video much easier as we had vivid ideas. 

These photos are from Google as I wanted to see the location before visiting.

Covent Garden:

These photos are from Google as I wanted to see the location before visiting.  

Brick Lane:

These photos are from Google as I wanted to see the location before visiting.

Trafalgar Square:

These photos are from Google as I wanted to see the location before visiting.

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