Thursday 7 November 2013

The Genre

Ruby and Amie 

"I just know that I'm a fan of all different kind of genres. You're supposed to be free doing music, and that's how I feel" Bruno Mars

What Genres are about and examples?

"I think my music generally transcends a lot of genres" Mika

What Genre are you interested in and why?

Nowdays, there are many types of genres and stars tend to cross over that it has create this array of sub genres. When doing my own music video I am interested in taking a sub genre and using it to it's full potential as creatively it will give Ruby and I so much more freedom in relation to following the forms and conventions regarding stereo typical ideas of the genre that we have chosen.  In order to make our music video a real media product it must conform with the latest industry trends. For example Rihanna always likes to push the boundaries and conforms to different genres including R&B, Pop, Reggae, Dance and Hip Hop. With artists consistently transforming to keep up with the ever changing development of music it is vital for them to ensure they remain successful, fresh and current. This will definitely an approach we take when it comes to our music video and choosing a genre.

Who would this appeal to and why?
With the cross over of genres you are going beyond our typical niche market and will be able to target a mass market audience as you have combined the audiences interests and desire. People who would listen to Rihanna would typically listen to pop, R&B and reggae and tastes will be dependent on national location and culture as she is originally from Barbados therefore her music has to appeal to all on a global stage. This is why institutions try to make sure that an artist is constantly evolving to maximize fan base which will result in more profit for the record companies.

"There's many different genres and when you see R&B and pop and house as well as electronic, come together, that's the reality of what music is" David Guetta 

Our Genre & Our Artist
Now we have chosen our artist and song we have decided to follow a combination of indie electronica and synthpop. Ellie Goulding is well known for crossing over sub genres which is why we have chosen her as her music will be so creatively versatile when constructing ideas for our video. 

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