Thursday 27 March 2014

Artist Research

Driving Sales: Getting Intimate with the Artists Personal Life

Justin Timberlake's solo career soared in 2002 when he released his album Justified after breaking up with NSYNC. I believe that success of his first single 'Cry Me A River' is due to his the high profile break up with his girlfriend Britney Spears. After countless speculation it has only been until recently it was about her but from the model in the music video who looks the spitting image of Britney Spears raising curiosity amongst the audience. The song is clearly about heart break and the music video creates quite a strong relationship with the lyrics due to its revengeful nature as it was about him being cheated on. Although Britney wrote her own response it did seem quite as personal as Mr Timberlake's which is the reason for his outstanding success.This was useful to look at as it proves how the audience want to feel intimate and close to the artists personal life- which is proven to drive sales.

Although it will be hard to use this same kind of approach in my music video as my model will not be a world famous super star I thought this piece of research was relevant in terms of looking at how artists personalize their videos in order to generate public interest and raising awareness of their new record.

Tracking An Artist Throughout Her Career: Katy Perry



Tracking an Artist Throughout Their Career: Jessie J
 I chose to track Jessie J throughout her career as her quick succession has been a phenomenon  As she showed signs of her furture in the entertainment business her dreams are sure to have come to true. Her funky edge sets her apart from many other artists making her a distinctive individual or does her music videos...?

 Time Line Of Jessie J's Life

Jessie J Causing Curiosity 

It has hit the attention of the press that Jessie J and Robin Thicke have been seen on the set of their new music video which was circulated after pictures were posted on twitter. The duet is set to be called 'Calling All Hearts' and it has also been confirmed that Jessie will be touring with him. The pairs collaboration has caused great speculation due to Robin Thicke's usual style with half naked girls in his video like in 'Blurred Lines' and the VMA's twerking incident with Miley Cyrus. However MTV have reported that Jessie J has refused to bare flesh and will not be going naked. Jessie told The Sun 'No boobs. Not doing that. Even though Robin is really cool and I was thrilled he wanted duet with me" and continued to say that "I'll be getting paid a lot of money if they want me to dance around like the girls in the Blurred Lines video". However it goes to show how much the video can sometimes over take the interest of the music and perhaps in the generation of close media attention perhaps the videos are more important than the lyrics.  
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Jessie J Fact File

Everyone loves a good girl gone bad but not quite on the same scale as Miley Cyrus. Her world wide domination all started with a little foam finger and a man named Robin Thicke (but that's another post in itself!) generating interest and throwing her into the media spot light really highlighting that there is no such thing as bad publicity. 

This video below is her VMA Performance which you probably have already seen- if not where have you been?

This interview with Ellen proves that her "twerking" was calculated and planned within rehearsals proving that her management team are more than happy with portraying herself like this as they obviously want her to get to gain attention. Even Miley exclaims that the attention is worth it as her album has reached number one.

Her video wrecking ball soared to number one in countless countries. But what was the fascination? Perhaps the child star turnt nude model had something to do with it as this is certainly a side we were never introduced to on the Disney channel! The video proves how a music video can generate publicity by providing the shock factor which is crucial for a successful record. In actual fact the music video has over ridden the success of the lyrics as no publication has written about how good the song is just the components of it's music video. 

The video did receive a lot of negativity and arguably her new bad girl reputation which also introduces a lot public use of drugs she is no longer a role model for young people in my opinion.  

The success is the video is a contradiction as the song was well received as we can see by it's chart positions but it's negative feedback has destroyed her as a public figure. But it raises the question was this a calculated move by her record label.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the way many stars are promoting their music videos is by including the shock factor although perhaps you could say that the prodigy set off this trend with Smack My Bitch Up it is still continuous with videos like Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball. The latest hot topic is Kanye West's new video Bound 2 from his 'Yeezus' album which takes the male gaze and voyeurism to another level and really could be considered as vulgar. Him and the mother of his child Kim Kardashian appear to be having sexual intercourse on a bike although they were probably not they might as well be...
Source: Mail Online

Source: Youtube
With approximately 60,000 dislikes and only about 13,500 likes to date it is clear that this video is an example of a step too far but you did begin to question was it supposed to be? With views already exceeding 7 million within 24 hours of Kim Kardashian posting it on her blog raises that the vulgarity of the video has in fact generated so much publicity that people are already talking about it, going crazy over twitter and listening to his song despite wether they like or dislike the video- never even mind that song that's a whole other story in itself! It just goes to prove the platform that a music video does provide for the artist with the image and portrayal it sets.  
 Source: Daily Mail/ Twitter

Other celebrities have made their own spoof of the video generating more hits although they are clearly trying to take the mic and make a laughing stock out of the pair. The new craze of music videos and the publicity it generates is distracting from the music and I believe to be ruining the industry as people are more obsessed over what their favourite celebrities are doing rather than celebrating and enjoying there music.  


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